Linda Ritson

    Linda Ritson

    Doctor Linda Ritson is an educationalist with qualifications in teaching, mentoring and mental health support.  After many years of working with disengaged, marginalised and disaffected children and young people through informal education and youth services, Linda moved to working on the quality assurance of social care services.  She is helping to shape and develop a robust BSAC safeguarding framework.  A former regional coach, Linda is a first class diver, advanced instructor, Diving for All instructor and an instructor trainer, as well as being a member of the East Midlands regional team.

    Safeguarding is an inescapable aspect of modern life and is not solely related to young people aged under 18 years.  There are many situations where an individual may, through no fault of their own, become vulnerable and therefore need to have their welfare protected.  The duty of care to safeguard welfare rests upon every BSAC member, whether a part of the club structure or as a direct member.  Aimed primarily at Welfare Officers and club committee members, this workshop presents an outline of risk considerations and the mitigation steps in fulfilling that duty of care. 

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